Schoolchildren in Southern River have been jumping for joy – on their bikes – after the City of Gosnells granted permission for the children to build a new dirt pump track at their local park.

Laith Powell contacted the City last year, after learning that a bush area where he and his friends had made dirt jumps for their bikes was not a suitable location for environmental reasons.

Mayor Terresa Lynes said City staff met with Laith to identify a better location at Nolan Avenue Reserve, then provided piles of sand and recycled road base for the children to use to design and build their own track.

“It has been really great to see young people in our community identifying a need, seeking guidance and then digging in to build something for a whole neighbourhood of kids to enjoy,” she said.

“They’re getting out there, working together and shovelling dirt by hand, so they’ll be fit and healthy at the end of this.”

Councillor Serena Williamson and the Mayor met with Laith and his friend Cam Sutherland to inspect their work.

“The leadership and advocacy shown by Laith and his friends has been impressive and we are very proud to support their efforts,” Cr Williamson said.

Laith thanked the City for its support and said he and his friends had learned a lot from the project.

“It’s been a lot of planning and a lot of teamwork,” he said.

“It’s a lot better here because all our friends can come down and socialise, it helps get us out of the house and if we are doing this then we’re not bored.”

Cam agreed it had been a challenging project and good exercise.

“When you fill up the bucket with dirt it gets really heavy,” Cam said.

“We’re down here a lot and we’ve got big plans for more jumps and new features.”

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