This Mental Health Week, join us for a free series of events designed to improve your wellbeing.

Whether you're a parent, guardian, or teacher, helping to raise and teach a child is one of life's great honours - but also one of life's great challenges. This free workshop, presented by a facilitator from HelpingMinds, will help you to prepare for the challenges of childhood wellbeing.

Attendees will learn what mental health and mental health issues look like in our youth, and how to recognise them in our children. They will also discover the power of emotional check-ins, mindfulness, accessing support services, and other tips for raising resilient children.


Adults only.

Bookings are essential and open to the public on the 9th of September 2024. Click here to book your spot!

86 Brixton Street
WA 6107

Welcoming visitors for the first time on Monday 18 July 2022, Mills Park Library is a lively...
