Suitable for Dads with kids 3 – 12 years.

This workshop on positive discipline and practical parenting tips aims to turn you into the Yoda of parenting; just without the backwards speech bit. We'll cover how to think like a Jedi, negotiate like ObiWan, set boundaries with the finesse of a lightsaber, and build a bond with your young Padawan that would defy even the Dark side.

By the end, you'll be on your way to navigating fatherhood easier than a Venator class destroyer; and be creating a republic where your kids flourish. So, grab your parenting lightsaber, and let's embark on this adventure together!

A variety of pizza's and refreshments will also be provided.

Supported by The Fathering Project.

To register please click HERE

About our presenter:

Mike is a Psychologist, a Father, a Husband, a Motorcycle enthusiast, and a gigantic geek.
His professional history includes working in the prison system for approximately 7 years; working
with parents, partners and children of those impacted by mental health issues; private practice; and general practice with adults, teens, and couples.

Mike’s bullet point representation of his life include:
 - He belongs to a riding group called The Guardians of Innocence Australia; going on ‘Smile
Rides’ where children impacted by bullying or health issues are visited by a group of bikers
to show that family can be non-blood related.
 - He is a Whovian (Dr Who fan), a Star Wars Geek, and paints and plays with little toy soldiers.
And he’s not particularly shy about it.
 - He is the often exasperated father to a human teenager and an American Staffy. Both Girls.
 - He relies on humour to survive in this generally dark and negative world, and pretty much
refuses to watch the news. No one needs that kind of negativity in their lives.
 - Is he perfect? Hell no. Is he stunningly good looking and the model of a functioning adult
male? Also... no. What he is, is human. Imperfect, but trying his best in this world. And he
knows a little bit about a lot of things.

City of Gosnells Emergency Operations Centre
16 Horley Road, Beckenham
WA 6107