Cat owners in the City of Gosnells are urged to register their cats before Saturday 12 October, when new limits to the number of cats come into effect.

The new Cat Local Law limits the number of cats that can be kept at a property to two, unless owners seek a permit from the City.

Mayor Terresa Lynes said any cats registered with the City before the law comes into effect will be exempt from this limit and could remain with their owners without the need for a permit.

“Registering your cat is the best way to ensure your cat is returned quickly and safely if it wanders where it shouldn’t,” she said.

“There are several options available for cat registration, including lifetime registration, and you can register your pet without leaving your house, via the City’s website.”

Approved cat breeders may continue to keep more than two cats once the new law comes into effect, but all breeding cats must be registered.

The State Government’s Cat Act 2011 requires all cats aged six months or older to be sterilised, microchipped and registered.

For more information, or to register your cat, click here.